Friday, February 5, 2010

True Confessions

So, remember how awesome I was last week? I'm the equal amount of NOT awesome this week. Middle TN was covered in snow, so I used that as an excuse to not go to the gym. I did go for a walk around the block with Sweetie. I was off yesterday, so there was not an excuse to avoid the gym, but I managed to not go. I got my hair done instead. I'm off today as well, but it's raining and I don't want to. The voices are saying, "Look. It's Friday. The week is almost over. Why not just start fresh on Sunday?" (My week starts on Sunday. That's how the calendars are set up, people.) So, here it is. Friday. No gym visits. Also, yesterday? I made two batches of lace cookies. The consist of sugar, corn syrup, brown sugar, butter, and almonds with some flour thrown in. I used pecans on the second batch. If you're not familiar with Lace Cookies, they are like thin little pieces of brittle. Totally yum. There's like four cookies left. :sigh:

I have an appt with the reception people today to sign the contract and give them a deposit. I'm already showered, so I can't go to the gym before the appt. Well, I guess if I'm being honest I should just say that I'm choosing not to go before. I could have. I keep telling myself that I can still go later, but truthfully, I probably won't. It's raining and I have such a hard time getting motivated on rainy days. Seriously. I HATE grey rainy days. It's rained so much that now we have mud. I hate mud. It's damn annoying. I want to just pile up on my comfy seat in my bedroom and organize wedding stuff. I want to go over things and file things and pick out stuff and write lists and visit websites. Basically, I want to wallow around in wedding porn. It's a sickness. I desperately hope that it's temporary.

If anyone is reading this and has any motivating pep talks stored up, feel free to comment me. I may just get so pissed off at myself that I freaking just do it and hate it the entire time. Then, afterward, I can feel all smug and proud. I am a little peeved that so many days have gone by and I've not done a single "healthier lifestyle" thing. I only have a limited number of days before dress shopping! Grrr.

Anyway, that's my true story. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


Unknown said...

Get your ass to the gym or I will come to the store and turn all of your stock backwards for you to fix!!!

Christy said...

I'm not afraid of you, Spuds.. Anyways, I have people to handle it if you happen to turn my stock.

But, thanks for the kick in the ass. :)

L said...

I come via Spuds blog, because he blurbed about motivating you and fitness is a forte of mine. Too often we put the pleasantries of life on the back burner and leave them there. One thing I have learned is to not make justifications, excuses, or reasons. For anything, especially health. No time to workout you say? Park farther away from appointments. Do calf raises while you cook. If it is important and a priority you will find the time. And if your body doesn't feel it, you know it is probably right. Listen to it. But make sure it is fatigue/illness/soreness and not laziness that is speaking. Good luck!

Christy said...

Thanks, Lars.. Not making justifications, excuses and reasons is one of the hardest things for me. I'm really good at feeding myself a line of BS. I do small things like you suggested, parking farther away, etc. But, I know if I want to see a big difference, I have to make a big difference. It's a work in progress, for sure.

Thanks again for taking the time to leave me a comment! I appreciate it very much!

Anonymous said...

Hello dear lady,and sooooon to be pin up girl...Yes you are right hair is so important and don't forget make up...But health does come on top of that list...Make that effort it's for you,you need to become friends with your gym...Looking forward to following you on that journey,don't take the wrong path...Have a gr8 weekend.x.

Christy said...

Thanks, Ginge. :) I appreciate your comment very much! You're right, health is the most important thing. Although, hair is a close second, especially when you suffer from natural curls like me. Maybe that's why I hate the rain so much: Rain+curls = frizz!

BellaDaddy said...

Biked on over fomr Spud's blog...what a character eh? But hey, sriously, i am right there with ya...right we speak...I can relate to the whole cookies and missed gym thing....I am folliwng aprogram, ON DVD NO LESS, called P90X..and it is awesome....(only 30 mins a day and a HARSH, but effective diet)...but, we ALL have to go our own route...and you just gotta believe...and for me, your beliuef system has already started...just by the fact that you are writing it all down...on your blog..."It WILL happen"..."It HAS to happen"...those are the phrases I keep repeating to myself...I wanna be around to grow up, with my kid ;-)



Anonymous said...

Hi Diva,I know what you mean about curls...I also have natural shoulder length curls...Setting them to 1940's styles is the best,they fit it so well.x.

L said...

How ironic that you go by Diva. Have you happened to hear of Deva Concepts hair products or Curly girl (it is a book)? My friend Jessica turned me onto it since I was always straightening my naturally curly hair. I swear by the stuff now. I live in the Pacific Northwest which equates to lots of rain, so now I can just tip my head, scrunch and my curls still look lovely. Most of the tips can be found here:

Hope you are having a lovely weekend!

Christy said...

BellaDaddy - Thanks! I love that you have phrases that you repeat to yourself. I do, too! Mine are, "I can. I will." I usually say them in rhythm as I'm on the elliptical. I'm already excited to go to the gym tomorrow. The crazy thing is that I LOVE it when I'm there. At the end of a work out, when my shirt is all sweaty and my hair is soaking wet with sweat, I feel like I've really accomplished something. It's the GETTING THERE part that is difficult for me. I've already decided, tho. The next time I have a rainy grey week, I'm still gonna go. I am the boss of me, and I say to hell with Mother Nature, I'm going to go to the gym anyway! Yeah! I'm pumped up now!

Ginge - I'm going to have to research the "how-to's" on achieving the curls into a 1940's 'do. I pretty much let my hair do what it wants to. (It will, anyway.) Thanks so much!

Christy said...

Lars - I will totally check that out! I usually just shampoo, condition, and throw some mousse in it then use some clippy things to hold it up until it dries naturally.